The names of different types of tests in Civil Engineering
The names of different types of tests
1. # bitumen_lab_test
Penetration test
Ductility test
Softening test
Viscosity test
Float test
Solubility test
Specific gravity test
Flash and fire point test
Water content test
Loss on heating test
2. #Aggregate_'s_Lab_test
Abrasion test
Attrition test
crushing test
Impact test
Soundness test
Shape test
Specific gravity test
Water absorption test ..
Bitumen affinity test
Aggregate crushing test
Loss angles abrasion test
3. # brick_vis_examination
Absorption test
Shape and size
Presence of soluble
crushing strength test
4. # various_concrete_tests
Lu Slump test
Soundness test.
Compression test
Split tensile test
WaWater Permeability test
Rapid Chloride Ion Penetration Test
Initial Surface Absorption Test
5. # soil_different_test
Core cutter test
Compaction test
Consolidation test
Pcynometer test
Field dry density test
Sand replacement test
triaxial test
6. # Cement_Lab_Test
Test for fineness
Test for setting time.
Initial setting time, final setting time
Test for chemical composition
Test for soundness
Test for strength.
Tensile strength
Compressive strength
7. #Various_Lab_Test_On_Fresh_Concrete. Under these, we have the following tests
Slump Test - Workability
Compacting Factor
Vee- Bee Test
8. #variety_examination_of_sand
Fineness modulus test
Ilt Silt content test
Test for deleterious materials in sand
Specific gravity test
organee impartes test
Bulking of sand test
9. # Mild_Steel_Bar_Lab_Test
Tensile strength test
Compressive strength test
Yield stress test
Elongation test
Bend test
Ribend test
Chemical analysis test
10. #Methods_of_determining_bearing capacity. The various methods of computing the bearing capacity can be listed as follows
Ump Presumptive Analysis
Analytical Methods
Late Plate Bearing Test
Penetration Test
Modern Testing Methods
Centrifuge Test
11. #water_exam
Water lab test
Total soilds
PH value
Iron and manganese
Nitrogen and its compounds
Dissolved gases
Physical examination of water
Color test
Taste and smell test
Temperature test
Ability test.
12. Stone rest
Acid test
Attrition test
Crushing test
Ry Crystalline test
Hardness Test
Impact test
Water absorption test
Microscopic Test
Freezing and thawing test
Smith’s Test
13. Various Lab Test On Hardened Concrete
Rebound hammer test
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity test
Fiction test
i) Consider eye looks
a) Grain size, grain shape, gradation of course aggregate, cohesionless soil.
b) Fine granular soil texture and color. Organic soils can be distinguished by their color, texture and size.
c) Speed
ii) Dilatancy test
iii) Feel test
iv) Dry Strength Test
v) Shine test
B) Laboratory Shear Test:
i) Atarbagh Limit:
a) Plastic limit test,
b) Liquid limit test.
c) Shrinkage limit test.
ii) Grain Size Analysis Test:
a) Mechanical analysis
(Civ Analysis)
b) Humidity analysis.
(Hydrometer Analysis Test)
2) Strength feature test:
A) Field Shear Test:
i) Ven Shear Test.
ii) Standard penetration test.
iii) Penetrometer test.
B) Laboratory Shear Test:
i) Direct Shear Test.
i) Pre-axial test
ii) Un-confine compression test
iii) Laboratory Ven Shear Test
3) Permeability test:
i) Constant head perimeter
ii) Falling head perimeter.
iii) In situ permeability test
5) Consolidation test:
5) Compaction test:
i) Proctor compaction test.
ii) Modified AASHO test.
iii) C.B.R. Compassion
6) Field Density Test;
6) California Bearing Ratio Test
6) Specific Gravity of Soil
9) Ignition test
Source: Collected
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