Quality Control and Safety During Construction





Quality Control and Safety During Construction.








Quality Control












introduction (Quality Control)






Major Factors About Quality Control



Quality Control In Different Sectors And Material



Quality Assurances









Introduction (Safety in Construction)






Safety During "COVID-19"



Rules and Regulations



Duties of (Manager, Safety Officer, and Employees)






Accidents in construction site should prevent



Safety Management and Management Aspects



Different Approach

















        Author 1 : Nazim Uddin,                                                                                          Date : 30-12-2020

       Author 2 : Akash Chandra Das,

       Author 3 : Saiful Islam.


       Stamford University Bangladesh

Quality Control and Inspection during Construction :



Quality Control :

The concept of Quality control has arisen to ensure that customer demands, and a level of quality and conformance are achieved. Using all materials in perfect way is called quality control. 

Construction projects are always expected to create a balance between cost, time and quality. High quality is not always the primary objective for most clients; however, it is extremely important to a successful project.

Any project with a good construction quality control ensures minimal defects and is more likely to have a successful construction project.



Inspection :

Inspection is the method of controlling quality in construction site. Inspection of the construction process to make sure that all materials and procedures comply with the plan and specifications.

Routine inspection is critical in each and every part of your construction project. Inspections guarantee that works within a project go forward as planned and are according to requirements, standards and regulations.


Necessity :


Quality control :

Maintenance and operating efficiency is a necessary part of quality control. Quality control is also necessary for public health and safety.

When it comes to the success of any project, quality control impacts all phases of the construction process. As you begin searching for a general contractor to help you reach your goals, your number one priority should be to find one that interweaves quality into every step


Inspection :

Inspection is needed for maintaining quality in a construction project. Inspection always gives us needed input to corrections in the future. Every object should be inspected before using. By inspection, we can reduce  unuse works, and also can add many necessary works.

So it is very necessary to inspect every work after finishing.







Some Major Factors About Quality Control


·     Workers: For successful project we must borrow well trained workers.

·     Invest in Technology:  Higher technology can provide higher service. With highly qualified workers we also need higher technology.

·     Use The Right Materials:  For best quality structure we have to use right materials.

·     Ensure Safety and Compliance:  We have to ensure safety to reduce accidents.

·     Check and Check Again: Only complete the work is not enough. For better construction we need check again and again.

·     Protect Completed Work: We need to take steps for completed works. Many disaster can happend if we are careless.

Quality Control In Different Sector And Materials


Earth work :      Quality Control Considerations

·      Accurate measurements with precise instruments

·      Use of good equipment

·      Use of standard procedures for testing of soil

·      Use of equipment for compaction






Masnory:   Quality Control Considerations

·      Use of good quality materials

·      Use of right construction procedures and bonds

·      Employment of people with experience and expertise

·      Adequate curing of masonry







Reinforce Cement Concrete (RCC)  Quality Control Considerations

·      Use of good quality materials

·      Use of right construction procedures

·      Employment of people with experience and expertise

·      Correct detailing of reinforcement

·      Adequate curing of concrete






Sanitary and Water Supply :   Services Quality Control Considerations

·      Use of good quality materials and items

·      Use of right construction procedures

·      Employment of people with experience and expertise






Electrical Services :    Quality Control Considerations

·      Use of good quality materials and items

·      Use of right connection procedures

·      Employment of people with experience and expertise






Also we need to control quality in following materials


·      Cement:--  




·       Fine and coarse aggregates:--





·      Chemical admixtures:--




·      Timber:--



·      Steel:-- 






·       Soil of a site







·       Bricks and stones




Quality assurance and quality control are most important processes for any project, as the project’s success depends on these processes.








The meaning of assurance is surety or trust. Assurance is an act of providing confidence that you can believe in. You can say that quality assurance guarantees the quality of the product. It ensures that the output of the process is defect free and conforms to all requirements.

Quality assurance is a process-based approach; its primary objective is to prevent defects in deliverables in the planning stage to avoid rework, which is always expensive.

Benefits :


Quality Control :

·       Customer satisfection  : Quality control is a important part of "owners satisfaction". For this reason it becomes one of the  major things  during construction.

·       Reducing the production cost :   Best quality control can provide the unuse works. That can help to reduce unnecessary costs.

·       Useing recourse :   Quality control can make sure of useing recourse well.



Inspection :

·       Good Quality :  By inspection we can achieve a good quality.

·       Goodwill :  Good inspection can increase the goodwill of a company.




Quality control is critically important to a successful construction project and should be adhered to throughout a project from conception and design to construction and installation. Inspection during construction will prevent costly repairs after the project is completed.


By suggesting new work methods, by avoiding rework, and by avoiding long term problems, good construction quality control can pay for itself. Owners should promote good construction quality control and seek out contractors who maintain such standards.











Safety in construction :- In recent years, working on a construction site has become one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.To complete a project properly, safety ensuring is mandatory. Ensuring safe practices not only protects those on site, but also facilitates reliable construction processes and successful project completion.


Construction safety aims to ensure that a construction site or the industry as a whole is not the cause of immediate danger to the public around a construction site, or the workers at a construction site.


The Importance of Safety on Construction Sites


safety is a vital part of finishing your project on or under budget. Downtime is costly, as is finding replacement workers when someone cannot do their job after an accident. Worker’s compensation claims and lawsuits can drive up your insurance costs. Focusing on safety helps keep your costs low.


Safety on Construction Sites Protects the Public.

Safety Reduces Work-Related Accidents.

Decrease Time and Money Lost After an Accident.

Increase Compliance with a Dedication to Safety.









Improve Construction Safety During

'COVID-19' Pandemic











The most important part now a days is safety for COVID-19. Safety for COVID-19 is mandatory in construction site. A construction site can be a dead spot for COVID-19. Because so many different types of people work together.


So safety and awareness about COVID-19 is important pert of a construction site.


Some steps to ensure the safety and awareness of COVID-19 :-

Start with Training

Use an App to Daily Monitor Employee Health.

Provide Necessary Sanitation.

Provide Medicine Care.

Promote Success In Social Media.






Rulls and Regulations


In construction site there are many major and minor rulls and regulations to follow. Every person from M.D. to Employees should follow the rulls perfectly.




Company should apply manager to control rulls and regulations. Also should apply punishment for breaking the rulls and regulations.



1. Creating benchmarks.:    Benchmarking is key to understanding if everything is in line with plans, specs, and blueprints.

2. Understanding the “big picture”.    You should have a clear understanding of the project ultimate goals and be able to communicate your vision to your team.

3. Continuous planning and revisions.   Any experienced project manager will confirm that planning starts long before construction begins.  

4. Performing risk management.  Managing these risks is another important aspect a Project Manager should deal with.








5. Hiring, firing, and managing staff: 

Manager are responsible for staff managing. Manager can hire or fire staff if needed.



6. Putting together the budget. 

You are the keeper of the budget, so staying within the predetermined boundaries is essential.Budgets for wages, equipment, and materials — everything should be thoroughly considered.



7. Obtaining and distributing resources.

 From nails to bulldozers, the construction Project Manager must obtain all of the materials, equipment, and supplies necessary for the construction.








Construction sites are most susceptible to accidents. Health and safety officer help you manage this process and identify and minimize risks, remove avoidable costs and improve construction project performance.










Some major duties of safety officer :  

Site Safety Inspection:   The safety officer is in charge of inspecting site conditions to determine if hazards are present and to establish procedures and policies to overcome those hazardous situations.

Accident Investigation:   The safety officer’s main responsibility is to diminish or eliminate work-related accidents. However, if an accident occurs, the safety officer will conduct a safety investigation to determine root causes and prevent the root of cause.










Construction Safety Officer Training:   The officer should trained well the employees about the dangers arround.

Record Keeping :   The officer should record all the activists.  If an accident happen, then the root of cause can be found properly.




• Following are the model code of Code of conduct.


• Every employee will co-operate with the employer in carrying out the provisions of this code.


• Every employee shall forth with report the employer or the foreman any defect that he may discover in the Industrial Establishment or the appliances used there on.


• Every employee shall make proper use of all safe guards, safety devices and the appliance furnished in accordance with the code for his protection or the protection of others and shall obey all safety instructions made or approved by the competent authority, pertaining to his work.

















• All employee shall comply, in regard to their conduct, with the requirement of their code.


• No employee shall interfere with remove, displace, damage or destroy any safety devices or the other appliances furnished for his protection, or the protection of others or interfere with any method or process adopted with a view to minimizing occupational hazards.


Site Safety Equipments :


Personal Safety Equipments :







Some Major Accidents Should Prevent  During Construction






Construction Site Safety Management And Management  Aspects


Construction Site Safety Management :

Construction is one of the most hazardous professions in the word. Many injuries and fatalities are avoidable if a safe working environment along with trained and accountable staff are in place. The hallmark of any effective safety and security management system is ensuring everyone is properly educated, trained and equipped with required safety gear.






Management  Aspects :

·       Prepare a safety manual for the company.

·       Safety Co-coordinator

·       Depute full time/ part time safety coordinators depending upon the size of the project site and natural hazards.

·       Worker Screening

·       Screening of Workmen

·        Checklist and Reports.

·       General Site Safety Inspections.

·        Excavation, demolition, blasting, scaffoldings, ladders, working platforms, PPE, structural fabrication and erection, gas cutting and welding, means of access, electrical work, fire prevention and protection, road safety, first aid box, safety boards, posters, stickers, drinking water, sanitation, emergency vehicles.

·       Statistics and Reports








·       Accidents Investigation Report

(a) Action taken report

(b) Weekly analysis of accidents

(c) Monthly safety statistics

(d) Register of first aid

(e) Subcontractors

Different Approaches


Physical Approaches:    

A manager can improve safety performance using following procedure -

·       Should trained well the employees.

·       Have to stady about future hazardous.

·       Should enforce to follow the rules.

·       Periodic checking of tools and equipment












Behaviour Approaches:  


Behaviour Based  Safety (BBS) is known  as an inter-ventional process  to correct  the  workers’  unsafe behaviour and  reduce  the  incident/accident  rate.  The  achievement might focus on analyzing previous incidents occurred by the interaction between workers and their working environment.


Some way and Benefits of Behaviour Approach


- Behavioural  safety works  better with  a stable  work-force and stable environment, 

 - Daily observation was revealed effective in injury re-duction  with  a  slightly  larger  impact  on  behaviour changing.

 - Workgroup based observations had a greater effect on behaviour change and injury reduction rather than in-dividuals or focus on outcomes,

 - The most effective mechanism of feedback was found is the combination of posts, verbal and written feedback, presented and discussed in a weekly meeting.

 - Goal settings, training and feedback as a design struc-ture have a greater effect on injury reduction, and par-ticipative goals were the best for behavioural change.





1) Safety training should be given to workers.

2) They should be made aware of types of accidents and should be informed about the use of eqiupments.

3) Safety equipments should be provided to proper extent.

4) Safety supervisors should be provided.

5)Workers should be psychologically motivated to reduce carelessness in using equipmements.

6) Provision for safety awards should be made to encourage the workers.

7) Major priority should be given to safety in a project.

8) Regulations and laws should be strictly implemented.

9) It is important that ‘safety’ is disassociated from ‘bureaucracy’.




















·      1- Assignment Materials.pdf

·      2- Safety Handbook For Construction Site Workers.pdf

·      3- http://sapientvendors.com.ng/construction-quality-control/

·      4- https://www.clockshark.com/Blog/10-steps-to-ensure-quality-on-your-construction-project#top-of-page

·      5-   https://www.researchgate.net/publication/316995113_Quality_control_and_safety_during_construction

·      6- https://pmstudycircle.com/2012/01/quality-assurance-vs-quality-control/

·      7- https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ny-engineers.com/blog/the-importance-of-safety-on-construction-sites%3fhs_amp=true

·      8- https://esub.com/blog/improve-construction-site-safety/



·      9- https://www.forconstructionpros.com/business/construction-safety/article/21139256/7-ways-to-improve-construction-safety-culture-during-a-pandemic

·      10- https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ny-engineers.com/blog/the-importance-of-safety-on-construction-sites%3fhs_amp=true

·      11- https://backtobasics.edu.au/2020/01/your-quick-guide-to-becoming-a-construction-project-manager/

·      12- http://www.dominaterfid.com/solutions/safety-security-management/

·      13- http://angelheaven411.blogspot.com/2012/06/10-conclusion-and-recommendation.html?m=1#:~:text=1)%20Safety%20training%20should%20be,Safety%20supervisors%20should%20be%20provided.

